Dedicated to Lifelong Learning
Thinker. Researcher. Teacher.
I am a well-respected teacher who believes in student-focused learning, in-depth research and hands-on teaching. Drawing from thorough academic training and extensive research experience, I teach, write and speak with an intellectual confidence and depth of understanding about a variety of topics. I am continually advancing my own knowledge, comprehension and abilities to make my classroom a space of untapped learning potential. This makes a good educator and even better one.
I strive to make my classroom a safe place where students feel that it's oaky to make mistakes without judgement. That is how we learn and grow. Students are our future and they need to experience education. It's true what they say: When you love what you do, you don't work a day in your life.
Currently Reading: Limitless Mind by Jo Boaler
Current Education: Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education specializing in Guidance Counselling
Future Education Goal: Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling

Be the change you wish to see in the world.
-Mahatma Ghandi
For many, the professors they encounter in college and post-grad become significantly influential figures for the rest of their lives. I had this experience with many mentors throughout my educational background, which ultimately solidified my decision to pursue a career in teaching and academia.
Growing up in Stonewall, Manitoba, I developed a passion for education and teaching at a young age. My grandfather and grandmother were teachers, and they continually assured me that I would make a great teacher. As I grew up, I saw how important and influential teachers are. I experienced my share of teachers lacking in skill and knowledge, but I also had many more teachers that were driven to see their students succeed and took the time to know who their students were as people. Following my graduation from the University of Winnipeg, I moved to England for a year to teach abroad. This is the defining year where I realized that teaching is more than just teaching, it is a daily opportunity where I can help, inspire, and provide opportunities to all students. I strive to be the teacher that students feel comfortable making mistakes and learning from them. That is how we grow.
Teachers are people who influence their students and touch the lives of the people they interact with everyday. Teachers are special and are the biggest advocate for their students. My teachers impacted my life, inspired me to give back to my community, and provide the best education that I can to every student I get the pleasure of teaching.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use use to change the world."
- Nelson Mandela
As a teacher, it is my role to create an environment free and open for students to make mistakes, grow and learn to the best of their ability. I do this by promoting positive learning, sparking enthusiasm for learning and providing a foundation for lifelong learning.
To accomplish this, I enjoy applying a wide variety of strategies based on essential educational principles encompassing cognitive functioning, learning theory, diversity issues, instructional planning and assessment.
Cognitive functioning level(s) of the learner: Considering the cognitive functioning of learners is essential in order to implement and apply strategies that are appropriate for either concrete operational and/or formal operational learners. I routinely plan activities, such as brief writings, that can help me determine the cognitive levels of my students and tailor my instruction accordingly. Without this consideration, I would risk the possibility of my students experiencing 'hit or miss' learning.
Learning theory: I have valued many years of opportunities to apply significant contributions from various learning theories. Behavioural theory offers a wealth of management at all levels. In concert with this, cognitive learning principles offer significant contributions from the state-of-the-art neurosciences, particularly in brain-based research regarding memory systems and active processing of intellectual operations. Some of my favourites that are well received by students include: think-pair-share, classroom jigsaw activities, constructive controversies, and interactive lectures.
Cultural diversity, group culture and learning style: Understanding both the learning style of individual learners and the cultural diversity of the class/group helps me both design and tailor effective instruction by implementing appropriate global and/or concrete strategies. Although a variety of learning styles are likely represented by learners in any large class/group setting, I routinely design my instruction using the research-based learning cycle; this cycle provides the framework for me to encompass a repertoire of effective strategies, which can both accommodate individual preferences, engage diverse learners, and help establish a respect for differing preferences and perspectives.
Curriculum and instructional planning: An essential consideration for teachers pertains to overall curriculum and instructional planning. Whether the instructional approach is based on a behavioural model (direct instruction, mastery learning), a cognitive model (exposition/presentation), or a constructivist model (inquiry-based/Socratic methods, cooperative learning), I plan an implement lessons that clearly identify the lesson objective, anticipatory set, strategies for effective student engagement, and assessment options to measure student mastery. This helps me teach with both clarity and focus.
Assessment: I strongly believe that one can employ numerous options to accurately assess understanding of course content among diverse groups of learners. To this end, I have developed (and continually use) a firm foundation in assessment basics, from alternative types of assessment (rubrics, checklists, projects, portfolios, performance/diagnostic checks, presentations, etc.) to traditional exams/test construction.
Following these basic principles helped me grow in my love for teaching and learning. More importantly, I have discovered that, by sharing my 'passion' for teaching and learning, and using these principles with enthusiasm and empathy connects with learners. As a result, teaching with clarity, passion, empathy, and sincere enthusiasm, effectively impacts learners, ultimately connecting them to their 'passion' and lifelong learning.
Subject Repertoire
When I first found their passion for academics at an early age, few would have guessed the accolade and widespread success their scholarly work would achieve. Throughout numerous teaching experiences, I have found certain subjects that I have become passionate about and thoroughly enjoy teaching. While I have enjoyed teaching humanities, I also love exploring new subjects relating to math, science and others.
Even if a subject is not my cup of tea, I teach with such enthusiasm and excitement because that one subject may be everything to a student. I have often compared multiple subjects to an archeological dig site: once you think you have found something, there is still so much more to discover.
PSYCHOLOGY - Double Major
Psychology is a topic that has a lot of branches to it. These avenues allowed students to learn about various psychological concepts, theories, and utilize them for a better understanding of psychology. I have always found it interesting to psychology, so I brought my own interests into my classroom. It is fascinating to study the brain, understand human behaviour, and try to answer the question, "why do we do what we do?".
I have brought in various teaching methods to enhance students experiences in psychology, including conducting their own experiments, testing theories and formulating their own conclusions based on their own research. This is a course that I have utilized a learning by doing approach, inquiry projects and experimentation.
GEOGRAPHY - Double Major
Geography is an essential course that relates to everyone world-wide, whether it is human or physical geography. I believe geography not only tells us important information about our current world, but it also connects the past with the present. It tells us a story of the past and what could be the future.
When I have had the opportunity, I have stressed the importance that physical and human geography have to one another. They are interconnected and we need to understand their importance together. Students have had opportunities to examine cultures, documents and past archives that have helped further their understanding to this diverse topic.
History is a vast collection of important stories that tell us what it was like in the past, what we can learn from the past and what it means today. I have stressed the fact that history not only tells us what has occurred in the past, but shows us what not to repeat. History is full of intricate stories where we realize that even if one small detail was different, we may have had a different world.
I encouraged students to explore the past and see what it was like. But I also enhanced students learning experiences with utilizing research, vital documents, and even flipping the lens on whose side of the story is being told. All of these helped students come to their own independent conclusions about significant events. History needs to be explored from all sides of an event.
Social studies is a great subject that combines history with geography. The important thing I have always told my students is that geography and history are interconnected. When a significant event occurs throughout history, geography is subtly taken into account. Geography can provide significant knowledge for students about various cultures, our country and even our world.
When I have had the opportunity to teach social studies, I have students experience it, whether it was through field trips, or creating brochures to visit Ancient Rome. I have always encouraged my students to explore these topics and see what other information you can uncover and discover.
Science has been a subject that I have more recently come to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate. There are many branches of science that all work together and wouldn't exist without the other. As students get older, the more I emphasize those connections and their relation to one another. Science is full of exploration and has the incredible potential to be an engaging subject.
I have utilized numerous teaching methods and strategies that have helped my students become more engaged and have developed a keen interest in science. Through experimentation, research and inquiry-based projects, students can easily see how diverse and complex science is. It is a subject that I provide students with an incredible opportunity to take advantage of a hands on approach.

Knowledge for Every Level
As a passionate educator, I take great pride in every course they teach and take. While the subject matters may vary between classes, each curriculum is designed to ensure students understand the key concepts and gain valuable critical thinking skills that can be applied to other courses and life outside of the classroom.
These courses are an overview of additional courses that I have taken on my own time, outside of my degrees, to further my knowledge and understanding of the world. These courses are ranging from history to cultural studies and world religion. These courses have broadened my knowledge and awareness of the world around me. We continually learn and I am always welcoming opportunities to learn more.

January 8th, 2024 - Current (Ending April 10th)
University of Manitoba
School counsellors, teachers, and administrators gain an understanding of the historical, legal, and administrative context of Manitoba schools. Analysis was done through the examination of the form, functioning and organizational aspects of schooling through the lenses of legislation, policy, and public expectations. There was a strong emphasis on Indigenous education topics.
May 9th 2022 to June 17th, 2022
University of Manitoba
Throughout the duration of this course, I learned about multiple theories of counselling, from cognitive behaviour therapy, to family systems therapy to solution-focused brief therapy, and many others. In addition to learning about these effective theories, I was also able to put them into practice during class and outside of class. As a class, we were encouraged to put these theories into practice if we felt comfortable enough, and I was able to learn how to effectively use them. As this class progressed, I was able to hone in on what I liked using, what I felt confident in using, and developed my own techniques and strategies for my person approach to counselling.

July 5th, 2021 to July 23rd, 2021
University of Manitoba
This class gave practical, hands-on approaches to perfecting well known counselling skills. This class provided a lot of opportunities to learn new theories, practice techniques and strategies to help learn this skill in our own way. I was able to see my liking for cognitive behaviour therapy and solution-focused therapy. I still use these skills I learned in this class today.
July 5th, 2021 to July 23rd, 2021
University of Manitoba
Group counselling was primarily centred around learning practical skills and theories relating to counselling in a group setting. Common forms of group counselling are family, bereavement support, and with groups of friends in school. With the application of this knowledge and practice, I was able to lead group counselling sessions in a high school classroom.
Currently enrolled at the University of Manitoba in the Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education program
SPECIALIZED FOCUS: Guidance Counselling
TARGET AGE: Middle and Senior Years

Professional Experience
As a highly regarded Teacher, I have held many roles, in both middle and high school age-ranges. Read below for more details about my academic background and professional career so far.
To view a complete version of my résumé, please click on the link.
Whistling Wind School
September 2022 -
Subjects Taught:
Grade 9: Science, English Language Arts
Grade 10: English Language Arts
Grade 11: English Language Arts
Grade 12: English Language Arts
I am a blended learning teacher for Hutterite colonies within Prairie Spirit School Division. What my day looks like is teaching a combination of in-person and online classes. For example, I am based out of Whistling Wind School so I will mainly teaching the students there in person and the other colonies will be online. I also travel to the other colonies multiple time during the semesters so they also do get face-to-face instruction. This has given me many opportunities to build into my students and provide them with a safe space for them to be themselves and provide them with guidance counselling and academic support.
Teacher Mediated Option
Austin Christian Academy
September 2020 -
June 2022
Subjects Taught:
Grade 9: ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Life/Work
Grade 10: ELA, Math, Science, Geography, Art, Keyboarding
Grade 11: ELA, Essentials Math, Pre-Calculus Math, History, Biology, Art
Grade 12: ELA, Essentials Math, Pre-Calculus Math, Art, Biology, Psychology
This position included many other parts, including guidance counselling, career counselling, academic advising, high school resource, establishing and leading the technology department, and high school lead teacher. While I had many roles, my students continually received a strong education where they were encouraged to step outside of their comfort zone, make mistakes, and ask questions. By taking this approach, high school student achievement was at its highest and strongest.
Calvin Christian Collegiate
September 2019 -
June 2020
Subjects Taught:
Grade 11/12 Psychology
Grade 10 Print Communications
Grade 9 Scinece
Grade 9 Life/Work Exploration
Grade 8 ICT
Grade 8 Drama
Throughout my time working at Calvin Christian Collegiate, I was able to develop the course and teach Psychology for the first time available at through the school. I continually had students excel in my courses and experienced hands on learning, learning by design and received a student-focused education.
Linden Christian School
September 2018 -
June 2019
Subjects Taught:
Grade 6 core subjects
Social Studies
Grade 7 and 8 Art
I completed 2 consecutive terms in one school year. Throughout my terms, I developed a consistent schedule with all of my classes that enhanced their learning and fostered independence. I maintained effective communication with administration and parents of the students to ensure their learning was on track.
Step Teachers
September 2017 -
June 2018
Subjects Taught:
Reception to Year 13
Guided Reading
Throughout my time teaching at various schools, I effectively taught the subjects to the specifications of England's national curriculum. When I was doing a short term at Eldon Primary School, I was the year leader for maths and guided reading where I prepared material for varying educational needs for the students and provided the content to the other Year 3 teachers. The Year 3 utilized a collaborative approach for teaching which enhanced students understanding.
Click below to view a PDF of my complete résumé.
September 2011 to June 2017
Being part of the Integrated Education Program at the University of Winnipeg, I started teaching in my first year of university. This allowed me to see my compatibility with the education profession. I quickly developed effective teaching strategies and classroom management techniques that I still use today. I have had a total of 5Â practicums in 6 schools and each one taught me extremely valuable lessons.
September 2016 - May 2017
Block 3 and 4: This practicum was senior years focused.
Subjects Taught:
Grade 12 Psychology
Grade 11 History
Grade 10 Geography
January 2016 - May 2016
Block 2: This practicum was senior years focused.
Subjects Taught:
Grade 11 History
Grade 10 Geography
Grade 9 Social Studies
September 2015 - December 2015
Block 1: This practicum was middle years focused.
Subjects Taught:
Grade 9 ELA
Grade 7 Math
Grade 7 Science
September 2014 - April 2015
This practicum was leading into block 1. It was to get more experience than the first 2 practicums. I was able to teach lessons.
Subjects Taught:
Grade 6 Social Studies
Grade 6 Math
September 2012 - December 2012
This practicum was designed to integrate me more into the classroom and interact with the students more on a professional level.
Subjects Taught:
Grade 5 Math
Grade 5 French
September 2011 - December 2011
This practicum was referred to as "service learning" where I was able to experience the classroom and see how lessons are taught.
Subjects Taught:
Math (varying ranges)
English (varying ranges)
September 2022 -
June 2023
Subjects Taught:
Grade 9: Foods and Nutrition
Grade 10: English Language Arts
Grade 11: English Language Arts, Physical Education
Grade 12: English Language Arts, Physical Education
I was an online teacher teaching the Manitoba curriculum. While this role proved to have challenges providing support for students, I was able to make connections and build a rapport, which allowed for students to feel safe and comfortable in expressing their concerns and problems. I ensure I made myself available for guidance counselling, career planning and support, and academic support.
Enhancing Student Engagement
These files are sample lesson plans using the AAA model of teaching. The plans were carried out in classrooms and proved to be successful. I have used them multiple times and have found ways to enhance them each time by adding new ideas, creative approaches or even inquiry.
School Involveme
Every student deserves the opportunity to explore their interests and other areas to see what they like to do. This fosters growth, social skills and self-confidence. These are all skills students will take with them in the future. Extra-curricular activities open doors for students that provide incredible opportunities for development and exploration.

Head Coach (2019)
Assistant Coach (2016)
In 2019, I was able to be the head coach of the grade 7 girls developmental volleyball team at Calvin Collegiate Institute. The girls learned valuable skills, such as:
Spiking (still a work in progress)
In 2016, while I was still in university, I was the assistant coach for the JV girls volleyball team. That year we made it to the semi-finals for provincials.
I coordinated, trained and conducted fundamental volleyball mechanics and techniques, skill drills for individual players and for the team.
I assisted with coaching the senior varsity girls' volleyball team when necessary.
To be a better coach, I enrolled in additional coaching clinics to better help my team.

Assistant Backstage Coordinator (2019)
Hair Coordinator (2019)
While teaching at Linden Christian School, I was part of the musical production of Cinderella. I held two main roles being Assistant Backstage Coordinator and Hair Coordinator.
While working backstage, I assisted actors with their stage cues, costume changes and prop transportation to the stage. I also assisted in other departments when the time allowed. When I was the Hair Coordinator, I styled the actors' hair and wigs to match their costume and character profiles. Trained students helping in the hair department the necessary hairstyles for the production.
I actively participated and collaborated in musical meetings to ensure the hair was accurately planned for the historical time frame.
Through the collaborative measures, the musical won the Rainbow Stage Performance Award.

Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy
2019 - 2020
This club was developed to be a safe place where students could feel themselves and have a peach of mind that this was a judgement-free zone. All of the students who joined had two common interests: science fiction and movies.
Throughout the weekly lunch hour meetings, students would come to my classroom and we would talk about superheroes, work on homework, ask questions about content learned in class, discuss movies and even debate about who was the better doctor, although it was never settled.
There was also a humanitarian element to this club. It was about giving back to the community. Through collaborative efforts, the club was able to raise money for a local family where their child was battling cancer.
The ultimate goal was to teach students to not judge one another, give back to your community and be yourself.
In addition to dedicating my time to giving my students the best education I can give them and being involved with extra-curricular activities, I also help supervise events at the school or outside of the school. Some of the events included:
Helping organize, coordinate and run the JV boys volleyball provincial tournament in November 2019,
Taking students to work at homeless shelters,
Supervising school dances,
Supervising 30 Hour Famine,
Supervising school movie nights,
Organized a school clean up day where we took students to local parks to clean,
Hosted numerous lunch hour meetings where students can come do homework and ask questions about topics covered in class.

Accessible Information and Communication
StandardAccessibility Customer Service Standard Training
Respect in Schools
In addition to ongoing training seminars, I am actively involved with professional development within the school and school division.
What They’re Saying
Feedback is crucial from students, colleagues and administration to continually work on and improve what you do. Developing meaningful relationships with students will impact their education for years to come.
Mrs. Hodges is once of the most caring teachers I have ever had. She is willing to drop anything she is doing to help anyone who needs it. She'll work with you until you understand the topic being taught in class.
Grade 9 Science Student
Mrs. Hodges has one the most enthusiastic personalities and it's infectious. She always makes learning fun and will do whatever she can to help you enjoy what she's teaching, even though it may not be very fun.
Grade 11 Psychology Student
I think Mrs. Hodges is a very knowledge and smart teacher. She is quick to answer our questions and even if she doesn't know the answer, she'll come back the following class with the answer. I have learned a lot from her.
Grade 8 ICT Student
Contact me regarding any potential teaching opportunities or any other inquires.
References will be provided with an application and additional references will be available upon request.